Eight Health Principles to Focus on Before The Summer Season

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NOW is the time to prioritise your health BEFORE the Christmas and Summer holidays. 

Have a read through the list below and take action using my simple implementation ideas, most things are not too difficult, it will just take some persistence to actually follow through and create the habit - but trust me when you do, you will feel so much better for it!

Focus on the following, either start straight away or implement one thing each day

Drink 2 litres of water each day

Start each day with a large glass or 2 of room temperature water. Get yourself a 1.5 - 2litre bottle and fill it up each night. See if you can finish it all by dinnertime

Get 7-8 hours of sleep each night

This can be a hard one for some, especially if you are still getting up for babies or children. Set yourself an alarm at the time you should be in bed. This is a reminder to actually go to bed, just in case you get carried away watching Netflix. Read this: 7 ways to improve your sleep during times of stress

Eat the rainbow

Fill your shopping trolly with a range of coloured fruit and veggies. If they are there already chopped up, you will eat them!

Protein with every meal

Protein is an absolute must for women! Always have some protein options available for when hunger strikes. This could mean keeping some cooked chicken or hard boiled eggs in the fridge, stocking your pantry with nuts, seeds and beans or keeping a packet of protein powder for those meals or smoothies you can add it too. After some recipe ideas? Download my free recipe ebook

Take time out for yourself each day to do the things that bring you joy (even if it’s just for 5 minutes)

This is a REALLY tricky one! Pick a point in the day when you can just take 5-10 minutes and do what you enjoy. Could you find a small pocket of time after you drop the kids off to school? Or while your hubby or your other children are playing with your baby at the end of the day. 

Minimise alcohol and caffeine

Assess where you may be able to cut down. This could mean only having a drink when you are out with friends and sticking with sparkling water when you are at home. You can cut your coffee size in half

Move your body every day

This could mean taking the stairs instead of the lift or meeting a friend for a walk instead of sitting in a cafe.

5 minutes of mindfulness each day

Instead of scrolling through your phone while waiting in line at the supermarket or school pickup, take a few minutes to take some deep breaths and feel yourself being in the present moment. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed quite often, download this checklist

By creating these healthy habits now, it will be easier to continue them throughout the Christmas and New Year’s break, and can prevent you from overindulging or getting burnt out during that busy period. 

Follow these 8 steps so you can actually enjoy your time with your loved ones without the guilt.

Do you want the support and accountability to stay consistent with your health and wellness goals? Invest in your health and join my one-on-one coaching program. Book a complimentary 15-minute call to discuss if my program is right for you

Michelle Desira

Hi! I’m Michelle

I help mums of young kids, reduce stress, lose weight and get their energy back so they can feel their best every day!

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